irinahp — Irinahp Blog — most instagrammable blossom trees in Vienna (part 1)
most instagrammable blossom trees in Vienna (part 1)

most instagrammable blossom trees in Vienna (part 1)

Hi there, 

i´m eating some home made chocolate (feeling a little bit guilty, but not to much, cuz it´s vegan) enjoying the sun and the beautiful blossom trees from my balcony. Today couldn´t be prettier, we have 22 Celsius degrees in Vienna and my heart rejoices ;)

And because spring seems to finally be here, here some pictures from my favorite blossom trees locations in Vienna. Whether if you live in Vienna or are a tourist, i think they´re worth a visit.

1. The famous sakura trees from Stadtpark (closest metro station: U3, Stubentor) They´re next to the Hotel Hilton entrance and are always the first to blossom. And next to them there is this little bridge, with some white blossoms, also very photogenic. By the way, the lovely girl on the bike was posing for her boyfriend but allowed me to take some pictures too, she also agreed to put her retro white bike there when i asked her too ;)


2. Setagaya Park (i always forget its name)

It´s a hidden gem, a Japannese garden in the beautiful 19th district (you can take the tram 37. The stop is called Barawitzkagasse).  Everytime i go there i feel like in a secret garden, so serene. I sometimes get to talk to some cute old lady, there is a retirement house next to it.

The ponds and streams, the magnolia trees, the sakura, the turtles and the ducks, i love every single detail about it.


3. Sigmund Freud Park (i always write "Freund" instead of "Freud", oh, damn Daniel! ;)

Anyways, it looks like a scene of a movie, lots of students studying and surrounded by the great Votive Cathedral, Café Français and the University. There is a little magnolia plant and my favorite, a white blosom tree, right in the middle. The blossoms are huge and you can take a great picture with the Votive Church in the background.


4. And last, but not least, my secret place i told you about yesterday on Instagram. The Notting Hill looking like houses from the 19th district and the beautiful blossom trees in front of them. You´ve maybe passed by many times, because it´s a main street and from far away the houses don´t look spectacular, but if you take a closer look, you´ll find them charming. And near them, there is one of my favorite doors, with a little painted heart ;) (tram 38, bus 10A or 39 A, stop Silbergasse)

So, that was the first part. Last week i was on a mission looking for the prettiest ones, but many haven´t bloomed yet. That´s why i´ll share them in the second part.

Wishing you a nice evening! Please feel free to share with me your favorite ones ;)

love, i

p.s. by the way, when i started writing this blog i really was sitting on the balcony, enjoying the afternoon. But then i had dinner, etc and finished it in the evening ;)

***pictures: iPhone 6 and Lumix 100

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